Serene Longies (Pixieknits colourway)
Rivendell skirty (Babylonglegs colourway)
Ribbed cuffs
Fabulous pooling
Googley Moo shorties (Krafty Koala colourway) with gentle ruffles
Spring Time shorties using a colourway I dyed
Pretty simple lace and picot cuff
Top painted by Moonbeans Kids- makes my mouth water!!
More Phoenix shorties, this time with a red trim which is a nice change
Soaker using Babylongleg's handspun yarn. Very special!
Beautiful striping
Deep Ocean shorties (colourway from The Nappy Garden)
Fantastically bright Summer's Day shorties (colourway by Aberdeen Nappies)
At the moment I'm working on a rainbow skirty. I'm trying to get the increases right so that it's a full skirty with the rainbow colours pooling round. Fingers crossed!