Tuesday, 23 February 2010

Shop update tonight

I've got some new yarns and woollies to add to the shop. I'm also offering a 10% discount for custom longies which finishes the end of February. Please have a look at my shop: http://thesoaringsheep.co.uk/

Monday, 15 February 2010

YYMK woollies

The lovely Hannah from Aberdeen Nappies sent me some of her yarn to knit up. Here are a couple of quick photos

If anyone wants a pair of YYMK (your yarn, my knitting) woollies then please let me know.

I've got some small boys longies on my needles at the moment. Just need to finish the leg cuffs and lanolise them and then they'll be up for sale. They're made with 100purewool single ply merino so are beautifully soft. Perfect for a new baby ;-)

Friday, 12 February 2010


www.wahm.co.uk is also a great site for finding WAHM's :-) Lovely people who run it too.

Right, I've been without internet for a while but I'm now back and have lots of instock items available as well as custom slots. So please have a look and if you don't see anything you want please get in touch. Click on any of these photos of available items to be taken to my shop website :-)


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