Wednesday, 9 October 2013

Very quick WIP Wednesday

I've knitted a sleeve and finished a sock. Second sleeve and sock are now cast on but I've not knitted much more than that.


Shawl is the same as last week but I'm planning on working on it today. Was too busy yesterday when the second clue came out. Only 24 rows so hopefully won't take too long...

There is a reason for this post's brevity. I have a poorly Squishy. I think she's got chicken pox :-S


Not many spots yet but if it is the pox then I'm sure more will follow. It means I can't go to Toddler group today and have to keep her away from small children for a bit. My other 3 children have already had it so at least I'll only have one poorly baby to look after.


As you can see she's not actually that poorly at the moment. For the past week though she has definitely been under the weather. Today will be a lazy day with cuddles and sleeping and maybe a bit of baking if she's up to it :)

For more productive WIP Wednesday posts visit Tami's Amis. Hopefully next week I'll have something worth showing!


  1. There's rather a lot of work in that sleeve!
    I feel for you over the coming days ... may it be not too spotty and quick :)

    1. Not all of it done this week though ;)

      Thanks, she doesn't seem to be getting more spots but I can't think what else it could be. She's got more on the back of her neck... doubting myself a bit now!

  2. Oh boy! Do UK pediatricians not give the Chicken Pox vaccine across the pond? Our kids get it here. In my day, I got it in first grade and then shingles in my late twenties. I hope she's not too itchy. Her scrunched up smiles are so funny.

    1. nope, it's seen as a normal childhood illness here. Lots of people are rather baffled at the idea of vaccinating for it lol.

  3. Sorry to hear Chicken Pox might be on the cards, I hope she isn't too miserable and you might be able to sneak some knitting in!


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