Monday, 28 October 2013

Project bag post inspired by Nicsknots

Last Friday Nicsknots asked people to post photos of what they have in their project bag. I really wanted to join in but I don't really have a project bag. Luckily though, Nicola said I could just use whatever I put my projects in so I decided to push the boundaries a little bit and instead show you my messy shelves!

Knitting and crochet junk on book shelves

To be fair, if I'm expecting company I do tidy them up a bit! I tend to sit on one particular part of the sofa which has the shelves next to it and a big bright lamp behind so I'm comfortable, have good light and somewhere to dump things.

On the floor is a collection of acrylic yarn and blanket squares. As well as the cables for the laptop, some dongle thing belonging to Mr Soaring Sheep and some coasters too apparently. Not sure how they got there!

Wicker basket for blanket yarn

So on the top shelf I have the following collection of items

Knitting and crochet odds and ends

  • A half finished sock for Mr Soaring Sheep (this week's project to get finished)
  • A note book for jotting down random knitting/crochet ideas. I would take a photo of the inside but quite a lot of my sketches look rather phallic. I don't know if that says more about my drawing ability or my dodgy mind but either way I think I'll keep it hidden for now lol
  • Various crochet hooks, including the tiny one I use for beading my shawl
  • A nail file, I hate it when I've got a slightly rough nail which catches on the fibres of the yarn *shudder*
  • Some yarn ends from a sneaky little project I did over the weekend, I'll post about it later in the week
  • Left over yarn from my shawl, I want to weigh it before putting it back in the yarn box
  • Scissors
  • Safety pins for marking rows
  • Empty circular needle case, it's for some small needles I'm using for the colourwork cardigan.
  • (there is also a big beaker of water but I forgot to take a photo of it, I tend to just carry it around with me, topping it up when it's empty!)
The next shelf holds this collection of items

Knitting and crochet odds and ends

  • A tape measure
  • Granny squares needing their ends weaving in
  • Green beads left over from my shawl
  • Half finished sleeve
  • Needle gauge
  • Stitch markers from Atomic Knitting. I use them for lace knitting because they don't catch on anything
  • Two wooden DPN's for doing kitchener stitch or cables. Not sure why they are still there, probably laziness on my part!
  • Metal tin which came with a magazine and contains various sized sewing needles

Finally there is a basket of yarn for some squares that are waiting to be turned into a blanket

Blanket yarns in wicker basket

So there you have it. I am a messy crafter who should probably get round to investing in a project bag rather than cluttering up the book case! If anyone else wants to join in with Nicknots' challenge then hop over to her blog and if possible drop me a comment here so I can have a nosey too ;-)


  1. Wow, you do carry a lot of useful tools! It's always fun to see a book shelf full of books. I want to peruse your collection.

  2. hehe I do like my books :) Although to be fair the bottom 2.5 shelves are dvd's. At least they are for now lol!

  3. I have lots of project bags, but my stuff still clutters the bookshelf!

  4. You've won!!! Can you email me at nicsknots (at)

  5. What a good blog you have here. Please update it more often. This topics is my interest. Thank you. . .


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