Wednesday, 5 June 2013

WIP Wednesday

Oh my this week seems to be flying past! I've got a colourful post for you today, do not adjust your monitor ;-)


My new camera has got a much better photo of the red yarn, told you it wasn't pink lol. For those who've just popped over from Tami's I'm knitting an Alec jumper for my 6 year old son using some yarn I dyed myself. It's a lovely pattern and now I've got past the textured bit it's smooth, relaxing knitting. Perfect for sitting out in the sun and supervising the children while they play


The stitch pattern is so lovely close up and very simple to work too. I'm a big fan of simple techinques that look complicated ;-)


My other WIP is my ripple cushion cover. I've not really worked on this much lately so I'm going to hook another row or two once I've finished this post


Of course, crochet or knitting goes best with a hot cup of tea and some cake, so I made a quick batch of blueberry muffins...


And yes they are as yummy as they look, I've tested ;-) Recipe is here, I found it last year looking for blackberry muffin recipes and it's now my go-to recipe. Chocolate drops, raspberries, even banana goes very well instead of blackberries. I used blueberries as I bought some that were reduced because they were on their date in the supermarket. Tasted fine though :-)

Right then, I'd better get back to my hooking. Thanks for popping by!


  1. Love how your cushion cover is coming along!! It will be a bright and cheery addition to any room!

  2. Ooh, your blueberry muffins look so delectable. I want to spread some butta or lemon curd on one and pop it into my mouth!
    The ripple pic is fantastic! Bold, happy, ripply fun. Your son's jumper has great st definition and awesome how you dyed that yarn.

  3. A very cute cushion cover and nice sweater and muffins as well! Amazing how much you get done. Great job!

  4. Wow - everything in this post looks gorgeous! :D

  5. Your sweater is looking lovely, and your cushion cover gorgeous!! Those muffins look DIVINE!

  6. The red is even prettier than I imagined. Looks like you are really enjoying your new camera! Blueberry muffins are frequently my weekend treat, they are heavenly right out of the oven. Thank you for linking the recipe, I've been marking recipes with weight measurements for the ingredients because I would like to begin baking that way rather than in weird US measurements.

  7. love the stitch pattern on that jumper - might have to give it a try!

  8. ohh those blueberry muffins are tempting me to bake!


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