Tuesday, 22 May 2012

FO Little Hoodlum

Sorry I couldn't post photos of this earlier. I didn't want the Birthday Boy to see it properly before his special day. It's turned out rather nicely I think


Here's a closer shot


Now I need to explain something about the modelling photos. These were taken the day after his party and he was still pretty tired out and over sensitive. I have no idea what caused the grumpy faces but when he gets in a mood it is impossible to get him out of it until he is ready. Since he was a baby he has been like this, I'm not kidding! Several different teachers/childcare professionals have commented on his stubbornness!


Honestly, look at that face! Bless'im :-S


Here's what it looks like with the hood down




I found the pattern a bit frustrating at times as in the format I bought it as there were three patterns combined into one and there were lots of pages to keep switching between and it was taking more effort than I thought it should as it's actually a very straight forward and well written pattern. However whilst I was knitting the designer updated the pattern so you get separate PDF's for each pattern which is much more user friendly. I will definitely be using them again. I especially fancy making one with the cabled raglan increases :-)

All in all it's a great pattern, wide range of sizes and very beginner friendly with enough extras like the Watermellish embellishment charts, various options for customising the style of hoody, pockets and a pattern for a cute teddy-sized jumper!Very good value in my opinion. Ravelry link here

Oh and finally here is a quick shot I got of him later that morning when the grumps had worn off. See, he does know how to smile! Kind of!



  1. Looks great!! Got to love a stubborn child, he looks gorgeous, even when grumpy.

  2. Oh! But if he wasn't grumpy we wouldn't get to see that pout and those lovely eyelashes! It looks great on him :D


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