I was going to show you some photos I took the other day of my colourful tulips in the pots at the front of my house but I've just been hanging out some washing and spotted lots of interesting things in the back garden I wanted to show you. I hope you forgive my plant related posts, I'm just so happy to have my own garden and to watch things coming to life :-)
I was ever so excited to spot that my Bleeding Heart has started to grow flowers. Hopefully it's quite happy where I've planted it and it will keep coming back year after year. If not, well at least I can make the most of it this year :-)
My bergenia is also starting to flower. A bit later than some of the other gardens round here but it will give some colour as the daffodils go over and the tulips are still developing
The flowering quince is still covered in buds and flowers, what a wonderful plant. The bees love it too, I stood there for a while watching them and listening to their humming and a distant wood pigeon
Three houses ago we lived up in Yorkshire and Mr Soaring Sheep bought me a flowering cherry tree (prunus amanogawa) for my birthday one year. The plan was we'd keep it in a pot and then plant it in our first house's garden. Well it's been a long time but we were so glad to finally be able to put it in the ground. I think it's happy there too as it's rewarding us with lots of blossom and bright green leaves
Mr Soaring Sheep comes home this evening after being away for 4 days. I don't really like this new routine of him being away so long but it is nice to have him around all day on Fridays. He's got Monday and Tuesday off as holiday next week so we're going to hopefully have a couple of days out as well as getting the lounge decorated. We've chosen quite a strong, dark colour. I think the room can take it but it's a little scary making such a statement. I'll show you when it's finished. Unless it's hideous and I need to get some white paint on the walls quickly lol.
I've got some knitting done on Mr Soaring Sheep's socks, I'll have to put them away soon as they're a surprise. The colours are slightly more vibrant than this picture shows
I much prefer toe up knitting, it suits my brain better I think ;-)