I've got a few WIP's at the moment. There's the stranded cardigan I posted about yesterday. I've done a few more rows but nothing worth the effort of photographing. I've got a new pair of socks on the needles, these are Waihi socks by the lovely Sezza
A deceptively simple lace pattern bordered by cables. The lace pattern is also repeated on the back of the sock which is a nice detail. These are my first pair of patterned socks and I'm really enjoying them. The yarn is Sparkleduck Spirit in "Mint to Jade"
As you can see my pile of solid squares for a blanket is growing although still long way off being ready to sew together. I've got 17 colours to use and need about 8 squares per colour. It's a long term project lol.
The rainbow jar cover on the right I cast on this afternoon. It's just a circle of treble stitches so not at all sophisticated. I just felt in the need for some calming, colourful crafting :-)
To see what other people are crafting this Wednesday then click on WIP Wednesdays at Tami's Amis :-) I'll be back later in the week to show off my finished scrappy hoody so please pop back later x
wow, love those socks, will be casting those on this fall that is for sure.
ReplyDeleteit's a fab pattern isn't it, I'm really enjoying them :)
DeleteThose socks are beautiful!
ReplyDeletethank you :-)
DeleteI love the look of your sock so far! Lovely yarn and pattern :)
ReplyDeleteI have a granny square blanket that has been hibernating, it is a very summery blanket which will be finished one of these days!
Loving your little jar cover, little things like these are quite good for cheering up!
I love how you're hookin' a jar cover. I always find those fun to look at. I really like that seafoam green.
ReplyDeletehehe it's just a nice bit of crafty-sillyness :-) It's a gorgeous green isn't it
DeleteI keep meaning to do some jar covers! They're such a great idea. Love the pattern on that sock too, look forward to seeing it progress :-)
ReplyDeleteIt's a good way of using up scraps and it worked up really quickly. I finished mine after posting here about an hour later and I'm not the fastest crocheter
DeleteYour ribbing on the sock is so perfect and tidy ... are you doing the whole ribbing ktbl?
ReplyDeleteWell noticed! Yes the ribbing is ktbl, as are the cables. I think I'll do all my sock ribbing like that now, it looks so neat
DeleteYour sock looks gorgeous!! Great yarn choice, and beautiful knitting!
ReplyDeleteLove the idea of the jar covers as well, how do you work out how wide to make it?
Thank you :-)
DeleteI did a starting chain that measured all the way round and then an extra 3 stitches for turning. You might find Attic24's tutorial helpful? http://attic24.typepad.com/weblog/crochet-jar-jacket.html
Beautiful socks. I usually make them very plain. Just to keep my feet warm. :-)