Wednesday, 29 January 2014

WIP Wednesday

My goal this week was to finish my husband's jumper and last night I did. He's really pleased with it and so am I :-) Still waiting for buttons to arrive so probably won't have any photos for you this week but hopefully it won't be too much longer. Currently it's soaking in some wool wash before I block it later


Now it's done I'm left with two WIP's. I like to work on the crochet squares in batches of 7 because that is 5% of the total squares I need to make. I dunno why but this works best in my head lol. So I need to sew in these ends before I can start the next batch of 7.

The sock is about 15-20 rows off the heel so I'll probably work on that today and tomorrow. It would be nice to get this long running WIP finished by the end of the month ready for starting Sarah's Mystery KAL in February.

So that's what I'm working on this week. I'm linking in with Nicole, Tamis and Ginny so click over to them to see what other people are up to this week :-)


  1. A man's jumper, that is quite an achievement! I haven't knit anything that large - yet! I'm loving the happy colours of your crochet squares :)

    1. Lol it gets better, I've knitted most of it twice! I had to frog back the body and one arm because it wasn't fitting very well :-S

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Sorry, had a typo and could leave it like that.
    My wife won't make me jumpers but that could be because I make my own, although I don't think I would ever tackle a knitted one, it would just take too long.
    I haven't tried socks yet although I've seen a few crochet patterns for them.
    Your squares look quite colourful.

    1. This one took me about a month, the stockinette section is fairly mindless and knits up quickly on circular needles :)

  4. Anticipation! Looking forward to seeing the finished sweater and watching your colorful squares evolve into an afghan. Your 5% method makes sense and seems like a great way to stay motivated.

    1. Glad my 5% method makes sense to someone else lol. I'm so excited for the buttons to arrive for the sweater so I can get it properly finished and photographed. It's looking wonderful while blocking :)

  5. Yay! Glad it is off the needles and soaking. Can't wait to see it worn and modeled :)

  6. I would love to knit an adult sweater...but I haven't made it past knitting them for my kids yet...I am a slow enough knitter that I know my hubby wouldn't receive it for several years ;-)

    1. Aw the speed comes with time and at least I know my OH isn't likely to grow a couple of inches within weeks of me finishing his sweater lol. Knitting for children is fun too though, I need to make some more woollies for my biggest two who have had another growth spurt...

  7. Like Karen I am looking forward to see your sweater, I admire you for finishing it anyway:)

  8. Looks great, I absolutely love those colours! Can't wait to see the finished object when it's all dry and ready to be worn :)

  9. I love seeing a sweater soaking. It means all that is left is the blocking. Can't wait to see it next week!

    1. hehehe I love blocking, it's so satisfying pulling it into place and making it lie just right

  10. Oh I love the color of your socks, they are so cheery! I need a little cheery in my life - January. Ugh. :) Can't wait to see your sweater when it's all finished!

    1. I know what you mean, roll on Spring, warmth and colour again!

  11. I love the colors of your squares. I crocheted a multi-colored afghan last year and worked the colors the same of each color in each session.

    1. I started off doing mine like that but got bored of making the same square again and again lol

  12. I like your goal for your squares! I like the idea of committing to a certain number and doing the finishing work before moving on. That would definitely help me with one of my current projects. :)

    1. It's because I don't like weaving in ends but I'd rather do them in small batches than in a big lot at the end :-S

  13. Loving your squares! Also can't wait to see your husbands jumper

    1. Thank you :) I'm so pleased with it, can't wait to share it

  14. Hip, hip hooray! On the jumper being done. The array of colors for the squares is terrific. The sock is fun.

    1. He's wearing the jumper to work today, he's a good boy lol

  15. Wow that is a lot of knitting in a week, looking forward to seeing it finished :)

    Love the colour of your socks.

    1. Crossing my fingers for some dry weather at the weekend so I can get some photos :)

  16. I've never knitted an adult size sweater before! Good for you. What a beautiful gift.

  17. Congrats on the sweater. Love the socks. May I ask, what's going on with the safety pins??

    1. hehe the safety pins are my row counting system! The one at the bottom is the row I start counting from. Top left marks the start of the cable repeat. Top right is also a row counter, so that I don't have to count from the start every time I want to check what row I'm on I use a second safety pin to go up in 10's. I guess it sounds silly/complicated to explain it but it works in my head lol

  18. Ohh you finished!! well done! :D


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