Tuesday, 30 July 2013

Lazy days

It's hard getting things done during the Summer holidays. Especially the first week or two. I find it takes my children a few days to settle into being at home and playing together again. We've been trying to go out for walks and have busy moments during the days but also having lazy moments where we all just chill out. This morning they were playing an elaborate game involving lego, brio and a jigsaw puzzle. I took advantage and sewed in a few ends


The vest is completely finished apart from the final button. I'm hoping to get some photos to show it off on Friday :-)


These squares have also had their ends sewn in. I'm trying be good this time and finish each square as I go. I need to measure the bed to work out how many I'll need per row. I like having a number to aim for.

I started working on my ironing pile this morning as we're going on holiday soon. I had to stop to make the children a drink and a snack. When I came back I found someone had made himself a comfy bed.


I left him to it and made myself a cup of tea instead ;-) Lazy days are good


  1. We are big fans of lazy days here. Today is one. The squares are wonderful.

  2. Lazy days (without boredom) are great! I can't remember many of them when the boys where boys and at home. I wish you all the best.


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