Sunday, 6 January 2013

New Year Rainbow longies

Originally uploaded by evel_lin
Not bad for just one day's worth of knitting! This morning I've cast off the first leg and am now working my way down the second. I've also sewn in the final ends on my Owls jumper and am now wearing it. Photos to follow on Friday... :-)


  1. Replies
    1. I finished them this afternoon :-) I used to knit them for sale though so it's a pattern I'm pretty familiar with. Even if I did have a bit of a mental blank on how to short rows. Such shame!

  2. Oh how cute! That is fabulous pooling, how do you make it come out that perfectly?

    1. Luck mainly! I don't bother shaping the legs so as long as the stitches are the right number the yarn tends to pool very easily. If it starts stacking then I'll play around with adding or reducing stitches until it starts looking beter

  3. One Day!! Goodness that is impressive!

    1. Hehe, it's mainly stockinette in the round with a bit of shaping so pretty mindless. On the first Saturday of every month my husband takes the children to "Fun Dads". Basically a toddler group with Dads instead of Mums and the get bacon sandwiches. I get 90 minutes of peace and quiet to myself, it's wonderful


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