Wednesday, 20 February 2013

WIP Wednesday

Not a lot to show you today I'm afraid. It's half term this week so we've been spending time playing games, going for walks and generally trying to keep busy. I have managed to do some work on my crochet blanket though


I know there are a load of ends to weave in. I'll do them at the end in one big go I think :-)

Hope the sun is shining where ever you are. We've had some lovely walks over the past few days although it is starting to get colder again now (perfect for making blankets in though!). Here's a photo I took yesterday of some snow drops at our local country park


More WIP Wednesday posts at Tami's Amis


  1. Lovely blanket, though I don't envy you weaving in all those ends. It looks like it'll be worth it, though!

  2. Wooo. You're a tougher cookie than me. I don't think I'd have the endurance for all those ends in one go.

    1. I find it easier to do a big amount at once than one or two at a time. I kind of get into the rhythm of it and as long as I've got something to listen to or something on the tv it should be fine :-)

  3. Hasn't the weather been glorious the last few days. It should keep me going for another week of super cold :) Your blanket is looking great I love the blue border.

  4. I love how you love color and aren't afraid of it. I love it when my babies are home too for a break. They have their upcoming spring break already planned out.

    1. My Mum is/was a professional illustrator so I grew up surround by artwork and colour. I find subtler colours more intimidating for some reason lol


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