Wednesday, 10 December 2014

Yarn Problems

I was happily knitting away on my Umberto sweater for my son when I noticed a problem


Argh! I had a look through the yarn I'd bought and 3 of the balls had no label on so it seems they must have been from a different dyelot. Unfortuntely the yarn all looks the same colour in the ball so it's not until I was actually knitting it that I saw the problem.


I tried frogging back and then alternating two balls of yarn but it's just turned out stripy :(

I've been in contact with Deramores and they are going to replace the whole order of yarn and hopefully it will arrive tomorrow.  I'm going to just frog back to the end of the first ball and cross my fingers that the new yarn matches better. If not then I'm going to have to completely restart :-(

Suppose I'd better do the heels for Mr Soaring Sheep's socks. Almost finished now :-)


  1. So annoying! This has happened to me as well with various yarns even with balls that have the same dye lot!!! Good luck ... hope it works out! x

  2. That is pretty impressive customer service. But so frustrating to have to frog so much knitting!

  3. that is incredibly sad :( The color change is quite different and I hope the replacement works out!

  4. That is quite the difference! Ugh! Hope the replacement yarn works so much better!

  5. That is bad luck, hopefully the new yarn does arrive tomorrow! Sorry about the frogging and restart, that must be frustrating!

    Thanks for your kind messages! I just clicked on the link to your website when I saw yours coming in:)
    Have a great day and evening!

  6. Oh poor you! Its soul destroying isn't it?! I've been there! Hope you can get away with only taking it back a bit!! Xx

  7. Oh I hate when that happens. I hope your yarn arrives soon so you can start working on it again. It really is a nice color.

  8. Hate that. But better to catch now than later. Fingers crossed the replacement is a great match.

  9. What bad luck! It's quite visible even in the photos.

  10. Such a shame, but at least they are replacing the yarn for you, that is good service isn't it. xx


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