Thursday, 11 September 2014

I'm back!

3 Days ago we moved into our first owned house. So far there has been mess, tears and a mishap with an electrical cable and a drill. It's been hard work, frustrating, exhausting and BLOODY BRILLIANT!

We're still not sorted yet, there is furniture to move, boxes to unpack, flatpack furniture to assemble and pictures to hang. It's getting there though and it's lots of fun.

I was rather cross with Mr Soaring Sheep this morning after having a freezing cold shower and discovering it was because he had drilled through a cable for the boiler. He's sorted out an electrician to come round this evening so fingers crossed it isn't too expensive.

Not long after he'd gone to work the doorbell rang. It was the postman with a squishy parcel for me


Beautiful sock yarn from The Knitting Goddess that my soppy husband had ordered for me in secret before we moved house. It really cheered up my morning, once I'd had a little cry ;-)

Ooof this moving house thing is hard work emotionally!


  1. Poor you! I'm going to send you some chocolate if you give me your postal address. I'm serious! :-)

    1. Aw thank you, that's a very thoughtful offer :)

  2. How sweet of your husband! Sending you calming vibes to finish the moving process with no more oops. :)

  3. Oh bless him! The boy did good!!! Congrats on the move!!! Its so exciting isn't it?! Owning your own home?!! I still can't believe we own ours!!! Can't wait to see pics! X

    1. It's wonderful, we've been here just over two weeks now and I still find myself grinning when I think about it being ours. I'm hoping to do some pics once the shed has arrived and the garden clutter can be moved from my understairs cupboard and I can get the last few bits neatly put away :)

  4. That is so sweet! Best of luck with the new place!

  5. Congratulations with surviving your move without killing anyone! And congrats on owning your first house. As you've discovered, it's a mixed blessing. You've got a good guy there!

  6. Awww. Congrats on the new house, and the various traumas that come with it :D

  7. Aww. How sweet and thoughtful of him. Breathe and take your time.

  8. Congrats on the move! And what a sweet gesture from hubby <3

  9. Congratulations with your new home! It is a week further in time, hope life is somewhat more peaceful by now!
    What a thoughtful husband you have:)

    1. Thank you :) Things are just about sorted round here now, it's nice to be free from boxes everywhere :-S

      He's a sweetie :)


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