Wednesday, 26 August 2015

Wednesday WIP's

Bleugh the weather in the UK is pretty pants at the moment. It's been raining most of the week. My chickens were so disgusted this morning when they came out of their house that they went straight back in again lol. They have tarpaulin over their run so it stays a bit dryer for them but they'd rather be exploring the garden.

Hey ho, at least I don't have to do any watering!


As you can see I've got 4 WIP's on the go at the moment and I've been doing a little bit of work on each of them as and when the mood takes me


Mr Soaring Sheep's sweater now has a slimmer sleeve. I'm at the point where I'd like to try it on him again to work out when would be best to stop the decreases


Mr Soaring Sheep's socks now have heels (fish lips kiss) and are nice and mindless to knit again. It's his birthday in a month's time so I think I'll try to get them done by then. He does love his knitted socks, they're the first ones he puts on :-)


These Rye socks for me haven't seen a lot of work recently but I'm not in any rush to finish them so happy to keep them for car knitting.


Lastly is a crochet project, something I've not been doing recently. It's going to be a simple blanket just using this palette of colours. I haven't decided what to do about the ends yet, whether to make it into a simple fringe, sew them in or possibly attach the whole blanket to a fleece backing and hide them that way. I'll have a think.




My gladioli have opened up and are looking absolutely gorgeous. I'll definitely be getting them again!

Thanks for hopping over to my blog, I'm linking up with Keep Calm Craft On and Yarn Along so click on the links for more crafty posts :-)

Friday, 21 August 2015

New lights and some frogging






I saw these gorgeous lights on instagram and fell in love. They're so pretty in real life and the shadows they cast in the evening are gorgeous. The copper colour works beautifully with our light blue hallway/landing. Unfortunately one of them was slightly damaged when we got it last weekend so Mr Soaring Sheep exchanged it on his way to work on Monday. He's now put the replacement up and it's looking perfect :-)

What's not looking perfect is Mr Soaring Sheep's sweater sleeve. I tried it on him and the decrease rate was too slow so it looked ridiculously baggy. I'm now decreasing every 4th row and once I've done a few more inches I'll try it on him again. Hopefully I won't end up with a puffy shoulder and then skinny sleeves :-S It's a learning curve this constructing your own pattern thing.


I got these Gladioli in Lidl for £1.60 which seemed rather good. I don't think I've ever bought any before so looking forward to seeing them open. I love how the red pops against our green walls :-)

Have a good weekend everyone. We've got to pop in to town at some point to get the last of the school uniform. Two children starting new schools this year = lots of purchases :-S

Thursday, 20 August 2015


I'm working on Mr Soaring Sheep's socks today. I was getting concerned I was close to needing to start the heel so I thought I'd measure them against a pair of finished socks


I think I've still got a bit of a way to go! I don't know why it surprises me that he's got bigger feet lol.

Isn't the pooling dramatic :-) The socks match each other but one is flipped over. I'm going to do the heels on opposite sides so the sock on the left will be the sole of the foot and the sock in the middle will be the top of the foot. Hoping to get the heels done this weekend while he's around to try them on

Wednesday, 19 August 2015

Coming back












I'm tentatively dipping my toe back into the blogging world. I'm starting to feel like being creative again and I've missed chatting with everyone and seeing what they're up to.

Thank you so much for the well wishes on my previous post. Fortunately my blood tests came back fine so my tiredness was probably a result of having a lot to do and some medication I'm taking. Things seem to have balanced out now, or I'm getting better at pacing myself. Mr Soaring Sheep took the past two weeks off work so we had a "holiday from home". Lots of trips out but also lots of time relaxing too.

This week I decided to work on the sleeves of this sweater. I'm decreasing every inch or so but I think I'll need to try it on Mr Soaring Sheep when he's home again to work out if it's going to be alright. The sweater itself is fairly slim fitting so the sleeves need to be in proportion.

I really want to cast on a lace shawl I've had in mind for ages. I even found myself looking for the finished shawl to wear the other day before remembering I have only wound the skein of yarn into a ball lol. I need the same needles I'm using in the sweater so I'd better get it finished!

It's so nice to feel like knitting again, I've missed it


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